
Information Security

BSc Course, Utrecht University, Department of Information and Computing Sciences, 2021

A BSc course for Information Science students taught by dr. Fabiano Dalpiaz. Students learn about basic security principles and we dive deep into security requirements using STS-ml. This year we introduced a privacy component based on the LINDDUN privacy threat framework, which we explained to the students using the fun LINDDUN GO game. Dr. Dalpiaz and I were awarded a ‘Pluim’ for this course in recognition of our distinguished teaching.

Data Science and Society

MSc Course, Utrecht University, Department of Information and Computing Sciences, 2020

A course under the auspices of dr. Marco Spruit, introducing master students to the exciting area of Applied Data Science. My role in this course was to coordinate assignments, as well as giving a couple of lectures on the topics of Descriptive Statistics and Unsupervised Learning. The course was very well received, with students rating my lectures with 4.5/5.